Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Here Goes

This is my blog of my weight loss journey... Yes I really just called it a journey... I am buying everything that the "weight loss" people are selling... Why? because it seems like it works. My goals here are to keep a record of this and maybe help someone else along the way.

To start off a little bit about me, here are my stats:

35 years old
5 foot 7
232 pds

I have herniated disks at L4 and L5, Fibromyalga, Spinal Stenosis, and No thyroid with NO replacement hormone.

Besides the obvious vanity reasons -- I made this decision to do this because on the 19th of last month I sneezed, yeah sneezed, and my back started spasiming so bad I didn't walk without my walker for 2 weeks. This is the first time in 6 years this has happened. Enough is enough.

This is officially my 3rd day on the bodybugg but I started watching my food intake about a week ago. But we will see how it goes. I will be weighing in on Mondays -- And here is my bodybugg stats so far...

Date Burned Consumed Deficit
7/11/2011 2684 1110 1574
7/12/2011 2697 863 1834
7/13/2011 2459 1247 1212